Saturday, 23 February 2013

My Weight Loss Journey Introduction

In March 2012, I finally took a HUGE step and joined a Slimming World class.

I'd noticed that my size 16 work trousers were very tight, and took the awful step purchasing a size 18 pair of trousers.  I was devastated.  I actually felt sick and ashamed.  Not a nice feeling at all.  I had noticed that I had piled the weight on, but I didn't feel absolutely HUGE and my husband kept telling me that I looked 'fine' as I was.  I knew deep down that I wasn't happy with the way I looked.  I was only 9st 10lbs when I met my husband in 2004, was slender and lean and in size 10-12 clothes.  I worked in a social club and the constant running about, serving behind bars, collecting glasses, running up and down stairs kept me lean and fit.  I had started to pile the weight on after the numerous WEEKEND binges on takeaways, and eating sweets at my desk at my day job, oh and the bacon and mushroom sarnies on the way to work from a local pork shop.

I took the step of joining a Slimming World group near my parents home in March 2012, with the intention of signing up, grabbing the books and running, but after staying through one class I was hooked.  Everyone was so friendly and helpful.  On my way out the door, the holler of 'see you next week' spurred me on, I had to come back to see how I was doing.....

I made healthy, homecooked meals that week, plenty of fruit and veg and was pleased with a 4lb weight loss at my first weigh in.  I haven't looked back since.  I have had some really bad weeks where the scales weren't my friend and was either gaining or staying the same (STS) and it was really disheartening, but as Slimming World say, 'There is no shame in a gain if you enjoyed it', and most times I did enjoy it.  I put 3lb on over Christmas but I thoroughly enjoyed every bit of chocolate I ate, the huge roast dinner, mince pies and fresh cream - yum, but it played havoc with my system and I felt sick and lethargic most of the time so glad to be back on plan.

Unfortunately throughout January, I have only managed to STS for 3 weeks running, don't know why, so my consultant gave me an 'SAS' log (Slimmers Against Sabotage) to see what I was doing that I could change.  I'd been filling in this log and had written down EVERYTHING that has passed my lips, right down to the cups of tea with the 5ml drop of milk in it!  That week, I GAINED 0.5lb!!  Gutted.  The following week though, I managed to lose 2.5lbs so well happy with that.

I stayed the same on 24/02/2013, although this didn't surprise me after what I had eaten on Valentines night when hubby took me out for a meal and I thoroughly enjoyed every morsel that passed my lips.  Again, there is no shame in a maintain or gain as long as you enjoyed it!

Once I start getting this blog established, I will start to publish some recipes that I use to give others some inspiration.  Right now, however, I'm off to make something to eat as I'm starving......................

© Cheznal x

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